Minimizing loss potential
The primary focus of our loss management lies on settling any events of loss as best possible. In addition, we focus with the initiative SCHADENPRÄVENTION.DE on specific measures of prevention and avoidance.
The AVW group of companies, together with the publishing house Wohnungswirtschaft-heute, has established the SCHADENPRÄVENTION.DE initiative. The initiative supports the housing and real estate industry in avoiding damage to persons and property, promoting tenant satisfaction through greater security, and reducing long-term costs.
Via the website and its own events, the initiative discusses the topic of loss prevention for the housing and real estate industry. The goal: To point out potential hazards specifically to the technical decision-makers at enterprises, provide qualified information, and offer practical solutions in all areas of loss prevention. To this end, respected experts and leading institutions from the security sector contribute their expertise. If necessary, these professionals can also be consulted by the housing industry directly for advice. The result is not only a qualified platform for the transfer of knowledge, but also a genuine dialogue between loss prevention experts and professional housing companies.
All areas of loss prevention
The main topics of the SCHADENPRÄVENTION.DE initiative are burglary protection, fire protection, protection against water damage, protection against natural hazards, protection against mold damage and cybersecurity. On the website, there are expert reports on current problems and solutions, background information, service offerings such as a severe weather map, checklists for downloading, and more.
Focus brust pipe damage
Burst pipe damage most common cause of damage
Burst pipe damage caused an average of 52% of the total claims expenditure in residential building insurance in 2015. The forecasts predict further lossy developments. Within the framework of the SCHADENPRÄVENTION.DE initiative, AVW therefore places significant emphasis on the prevention of burst pipe damage. We support parties responsible for insurance at housing companies with this topic and take over the contacting of technical managers, as they are the ones who can take action first.
The factors leading to burst pipes are numerous, and differ individually from case to case: The pipe material used, the building age, the installation technique and much more interact here. On top of this, there are also factors that cannot be influenced at all – such as the water quality of the respective region, which can even change depending on the season.
To avoid burst pipe damage, an asset-based approach is necessary. All of the damage causes need to be analyzed individually. Only a solution specially adapted to the asset at issue can help. AVW supports its clients in the individual analysis and asset-specific consideration of the causes of damage. We analyze the available claims data of our clients, thus allowing us to identify "claim clusters" in the portfolio. Together with our technical partners at the SCHADENPRÄVENTION.DE initiative, the cause of the damage is narrowed down. The drinking water, with its corrosion promoting or inhibiting effect on the existing pipe material, may also be examined. These results help get to the bottom of the causes of damage. Individually tailored measures for damage prevention for the respective asset can then be derived.