Forum Leitungswasser
For this reason, AVW has started the INITIATIVE SCHADENPRAEVENTION.DE with the aim of making the findings of the insurance industry from around 1 million burst pipe water events every year usable for the housing industry. It is the goal to support housing companies in this complex topic with regard to causes of damage and suitable prevention measures.
For this purpose, the AVW Gruppe founded the "Forum Leitungswasser".
Under the expert direction of Mr. Siegfried Rehberg, supported by Mr. Helmut Asche, the technical decision-makers of the housing industry meet here to discuss targeted measures for the prevention of burst pipe water damage and to discuss best practice.
The forum is supported by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH and the Institut für Schadenverhütung und Schadenforschung (IFS) (Institute for Loss Prevention and Loss Research (IFS)).
Practical solutions for the housing industry
In residential building insurance, burst pipe water losses have been identified for some years as clear cost drivers. The factors leading to burst pipes are numerous, and differ individually from case to case: The pipe material used, the building age, the installation technique and much more interact here.
On top of this, there are also factors that cannot be influenced at all – such as the water quality of the respective region, which can even change depending on the season. So far, practical solutions for loss prevention or a concerted approach by those affected are missing.